Save food

Protect the climate

Help people


Would you like to support us financially or with food? Find all important information over here.


Would you like to support us as part of the team of helpers? Then this way.


You are in need and would like to receive food from us? Then you’ll find everything you need to know here.

About "Tafel Koblenz"

On the one hand, there is excellent food that is no longer needed in the industry and should be destroyed. On the other hand, there are many families, elderly people, single mothers and fathers as well as refugees in our city who are in existential need.

The food bank “Tafel Koblenz” is trying to fill this gap. It is an association where more than 260 people work voluntarily to collect and distribute wasted food. Currently, the Tafel Koblenz helps 5000 people to improve their financial situation and therefore their quality of life.

In addition to the food bank, we run a platform to combat child poverty in the city. Under the name of the “Hidden Angels” (“Versteckte Engel”), we also provide clothing, hygiene articles and money for school trips, among other things.

Distribution offices
Team Tafel

Versteckte Engel

Help for children in need in Koblenz
